MICRON-MT25QU256ABA8ESF-0SIT - Authorized Distributor

Supplier: MICRON
Part No: MT25QU256ABA8ESF-0SIT
Package: Reel
D/C: In the new two years
Description: SOP
Original IC
RoHS: Yes
HTS: 8542390001
Mounting Type:Surface Mount
Dispatches from Shenzhen Of Hongkong
Same day shipping


Is your stock new? We only sell new stock, typically in original packaging!

Do you sell refurbished or used products? No, we only sell brand new and unused trusted stock.

Where does your stock come from? We help OEM and EMS companies globally to reduce their Excess, Surplus and Obsolete stock. This allows us to offer top quality, genuine stock at discounted prices.

Why do you only sell trusted stock? To protect you! We know where all our stock has come from and this traceability protects you from counterfeit stock.

Are you confident the stock is not counterfeit? So confident that we offer a 100% Counterfeit Free guarantee!

new original stock Please contact me for details

Skype: cadytech002 

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Email: tracy@cady-ic.com




Contact: Tracy

Phone: +86 13322936728

E-mail: admin@cady-ic.com

Add: 25A bl. A,Huaqiang Garden,Fuhong Road,Futian District,Shenzhen 518033,China